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Roger Price (9-15-13) service 9-18-13






Roger Price, 60 , of Waterloo. Ala. died on Sunday, Sept.15, at his residence in Waterloo, Ala. He was born in Savannah, the son of the late Elzie Lee and Edith Woods Price. He was united in marriage to Ruby Highland, who survives.

Mr. Price was an Equipment Operator for Department of Conservation Natural Resources in Cherokee, Ala.

Services were held on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Shackelford Chapel in Savannah with Vance Hutton officiating. Burial followed in the Bumpus Creek Cemetery at Lauderdale County, Ala.

In addition to his wife, Ruby of Waterloo, Ala., he is survived by his children, Mike Price, Brad Price and Stacy Price, all of Waterloo, Ala.; three grandchildren; one sister, Donna Price of Waterloo, Ala.; and two brothers, Steve Price of Greenhill, Ala. and Ricky Price of Savannah.