Ralph DeJay Sawyer (4-6-13) service 4-10-13


Ralph DeJay Sawyer

Ralph DeJay Sawyer, 35, of Savannah, passed away Saturday, April 6. A private memorial service was held on Wednesday, April 10, in Savannah.

He was survived by his daughters, Anna Marie Elizabeth Sawyer, Lindsey Grace Sawyer, and Natalie May Sawyer; his parents, Ralph and Iva Sawyer; sister, Amber Graham; brothers, Jimmy Sawyer of Shreveport, La., and Michael Sawyer; maternal grandmother, Ruth Huddleston of Delta, Colo.; and a host of loving nieces and nephews and other beloved family members.

Mr. Sawyer was a veteran of the United States National Guard. He was also a contractor for Home Builders Construction. Mr. Sawyer was of Pentecostal faith.

You may sign our online guest book at colbertmemorial.com. Colbert Memorial Chapel of the Shoals is assisting the family.