HCHS graduation events to be live-streamed; more tickets made available to seniors


Hardin County Schools on Tuesday evening announced updates for the upcoming high school graduation and baccalaureate ceremonies.

Each graduating senior will now receive two additional tickets for each event, for a total of six.

Lifespan Health has donated 2,000 masks to be distributed to attendees due to the COVID-19 situation. Details on live-streaming the events have been finalized.

“Our Baccalaureate is scheduled to begin on Thursday (June 18) at 7:30 p.m. and Graduation is to begin on Friday (June 19)at 7:30 p.m. with both events taking place at Jim Carroll Stadium on the campus of HCHS. We want this to be a great time to recognize and celebrate our seniors but at the same time continue to keep everyone safe. As of today, Hardin County confirmed COVID numbers continue to rise and health officials continue to advise that limitations should be placed on the number of attendees for both events,” Hardin County Director of Schools Michael Davis said.

•Each senior will receive four tickets for reserved seating for each night, as previously planned and announced. These tickets will allow four guests to be seated in the bleachers – either home or visitor side. Areas to sit in the bleachers will be clearly marked and HCS asks that everyone be mindful of the distance between the next set of guests.

•The decision was made Tuesday to provide two extra tickets for each night to each senior and these tickets will be considered general admission tickets. These tickets will allow two additional guests to attend and sit on the track area around the football field. These guests will need to bring their own seating for this area and are asked to sit six feet apart.

•Those planning to attend should check their temperature before coming and stay home if it is 100.4 or higher.

•Anyone with special conditions that would require an additional ticket can contact the Central Office at 731-925-3943 to discuss the request with an administrator. HCS said the guidelines are in place to protect the health of all attendees.

•Seniors received their tickets Thursday morning when they met for rehearsal.

•There will be three entrances to the stadium for both nights: at the home side concession building, at the gate by the cafeteria, and on the visitors side by the tennis courts. Note that there is construction occurring behind the visitors bleachers so use caution.

•Both events will be available on HCS’s Facebook page. The live-streams can be viewed at: facebook.com/hardincoschools

•HCS thanks Lifespan Health for donating the masks made available at each of the stadium entrances.

•HCS thanks the Hardin County Sheriff’s Department, City of Savannah Police Department, Hardin County Commissioner Joe Bonee and Brad Stewart with Big Market SEO for helping with the events.