Everyone can get a free flu shot on Dec. 5


Tennessee’s county health departments, including Hardin County, are holding “FightFluTN” events on Wednesday, Dec. 5 to provide flu shots at no charge to increase the number of people vaccinated in the state.

The Tennessee Department of Health urges all Tennesseans who have not yet received a flu shot this flu season to get one as soon as possible, as seasonal influenza is spreading across the state.

“Flu kills, and we expect many more weeks of the annual seasonal flu epidemic ahead in Tennessee, so everyone who hasn’t yet had a flu vaccine should get one now, and you can do so for free Dec. 5,” said TDH Commissioner John Dreyzehner, MD. “Flu vaccination is still the best protection we have against this serious and deadly illness. The vaccine that can help prevent illness in you can also save another from illness or death if they were to get your flu, a kindness to others that just might save your own life.”

All Tennessee county health departments are holding flu shot events Dec. 5 during observances of National Influenza Vaccination Week. No appointments are needed to get a flu shot during these events.

The Hardin County Health Department at 1920 Pickwick St. in Savannah is providing free flu shots that day from 9 a.m. to noon.

The Tennessee Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend a yearly flu vaccine for everyone aged 6 months and older. Learn more about fighting seasonal flu at www.cdc.gov/flu/consumer/prevention.htm.